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"A Constitutional Initiative from the MEPs NOW!"

European Parliament - room JAN 4Q1
26.06.2013 15:00-17:30

Online registration

Movimento Federalista Europeo (MFE) with the Young European Federalists (JEF) and the European Federalists-Belgium, organise a debate calling for "A Constitutional Initiative from the MEPs NOW!"

The economic and financial crisis is also a political and institutional crisis of the EU system of government. The most significant decisions to face the crisis have been taken by governments within the Eurozone, outside of the framework of the Lisbon Treaty and without both a democratic co-decision of the EP and, until now, politically significant contributions from it.

The promoters of the proposed event are convinced that it is up to the MEPs to:

  • formulate proposals to build an effective and democratic government of the Eurozone,
  • reform the European institutions,
  • endow the Eurozone with sufficient budget resources to promote growth and sustainable development,
  • regain trust and consent of the peoples of the EU to the European project, giving concrete institutional replies to the democratic legitimacy problem when monetary, economic and fiscal decisions are to be taken at the European level.

The goal of the event is to encourage the EP and especially the Spinelli Group to take an initiative in this direction in order that a European Constitutional Convention for drawing up a new Treaty can be convened as soon as possible. A declaration of commitment to endorse the above-mentioned initiative will be submitted to MEPs.


  • Niccolò Rinaldi, ALDE Vice President
  • Jo Leinen, President of the European Movement International


  • Pauline Gessant (President of Young European Federalists)
  • Lucio Levi (President of the European Federalist Movement-Italy)
  • Christian Moos (General Secretary of Europa Union Deutschland)
  • Michel Ciavarini Azzi (President of the Union of European Federalists-Belgium)


  • Franco Spoltore (General Secretary of the European Federalist Movement-Italy)




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Via Villa Glori 8 - 27100 Pavia
C.F. 80010170183 - Tel.: 0382 530045 - Email: mfe@mfe.it

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