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Membri del Gruppo Spinelli della precedente legislatura e che sono stati rieletti.

  1. Andrey Kovatchev, EPP, BULGARIA
  2. Eva Maydell, EPP, BULGARIA
  3. Sandro Gozi, Renew, FRANCIA
  4. Bernard Guetta, Renew, FRANCIA
  5. Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Renew, FRANCIA
  6. Laurence Farreng, Renew, FRANCIA
  7. Christophe Grudler, Renew, FRANCIA
  8. Raphaël Glucksmann, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, FRANCIA
  9. Daniel Freund, Greens/EFA, GERMANIA
  10. Simon Sven, EPP - European People's Party, GERMANIA
  11. Damian Boeselager, Greens/EFA, GERMANIA
  12. Markus Ferber, EPP - European People's Party, GERMANIA
  13. Gabriele Bishoff, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, GERMANIA
  14. Rasmus Andresen, Greens/EFA, GERMANIA
  15. Moritz Kroener, Renew, GERMANIA
  16. Delara Burkhardt, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, GERMANIA
  17. Manolis Kefalogiannis, EPP - European People's Party, GRECIA
  18. Brando Benifei, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, ITALIA
  19. Alessandra Moretti, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, ITALIA
  20. Petras Auštrevičius, Renew, LITUANIA
  21. Andrius Kubilius, EPP - European People's Party, LITUANIA
  22. Javier Lopez, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  23. Jonás Fernández Álvarez, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  24. Lina Gálvez Muñoz, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  25. Nicolás González Casares, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  26. Juan Fernando López Aguilar, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  27. Ignacio Sánchez Amor, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  28. Javier Moreno Sánchez, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  29. César Luena López, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  30. Cristina Maestre Martín de Almagro, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA


Nuovi parlamentari europei che hanno firmato la dichiarazione d'impegno dell'UEF e hanno manifestato l'intenzione di aderire al Gruppo Spinelli.

  1. Estelle Ceulemans, Parti Socialiste, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, BELGIO
  2. Murielle Laurent, Place Publique / Parti Socialiste, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, FRANCIA
  3. Kai Tegethoff, Volt, Greens/EFA, GERMANIA
  4. Jan-Christoph Oetjen, FDP, Renew, GERMANIA
  5. René Repasi, SPD, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, GERMANIA
  6. Camilla Laureti, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, ITALIA
  7. Carolina Morace, MoVimento 5 Stelle, Non-inscrits ITALIA
  8. Cecilia Strada, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, ITALIA
  9. Cristina Guarda, Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra, Greens/EFA, ITALIA
  10. Elisabetta Gualmini, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, ITALIA
  11. Flavio Tosi, Forza Italia, EPP - European People's Party, ITALIA
  12. Gianluca Ferrara, MoVimento 5 Stelle, Non-inscrits ITALIA
  13. Giorgio Gori, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  14. Irene Tinagli, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  15. Marco Tarquinio, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  16. Matteo Ricci, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  17. Nicola Zingaretti, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  18. Pierfrancesco Maran, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  19. Pina Picierno, Partito Democratico, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats ITALIA
  20. Sabrina Pignedoli, MoVimento 5 Stelle, Non-inscrits ITALIA
  21. Salvatore De Meo, Forza Italia, EPP - European People's Party ITALIA
  22. Raquel García Hermida-van der Walle, D66, Renew Europe OLANDA
  23. Laura Ballarín Cereza, PSOE, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, SPAGNA
  24. Maria Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Partido Popular, EPP - European People's Party, SPAGNA


Parlamentari europei che hanno accettato di aderire al Gruppo Spinelli dopo le elezioni europee.

  1. Sabrina Repp, SPD, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, GERMANIA
  2. Nikos Papandreou, Pasok, PES - Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats GRECIA



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