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JEF and UEF have decided to launch a joint pan-European “campaign week” with the slogan “TO STOP THE CRISIS, FEDERAL EUROPE NOW!” in the week preceding the meeting of the European Council next 18-19 October.

Europe and the European Union are facing vital challenges, but national governments and politicians as well as the European Union institutions are still unable to take an initiative for a political and federal Europe, the only real solution to these challenges.

With our pan-European campaign week we want to make pressure on national governments and political parties and increase citizens’ awareness and support for the goal of a European federation. It will also be a great occasion to improve the visibility of the federalist organisations at all levels.

We ask your support to mobilise your local section and join this pan-European initiative. In the next few days and weeks, you will receive more information and material that can be used for your action. Material and news will also be posted on our websites and Facebook pages. Meanwhile, we ask you already to get going and start organising your event as soon as possible.

What can you do? Any type of action, big or small, between the 12 and the 17 October, counts. You can organise:

- a public stand to distribute leaflets and other campaign material in the city centre
even without a stand, distribute leaflets in the city centre
- a flash-mob or other street action
- a panels discussion with politicians or organisations of your city
- a conference

We encourage you to think to events that reach out to citizens and other political and social organisations and to try to organise joint JEF-UEF action wherever it's possible.

If you leave in a capital city, we encourage you to try and organise your event close to the site of your government or parliament to increase your visibility.

The size and complexity of the event depends on how strong your local group is, but to do something or not depends only on you!

If you are responsible for a national or regional section, we ask you to inform all your local sections in your country or region.

To maximise the impact of your action we will also ask you:

issue a press release before and after your action, using a format prepared and circulated by the European level, which you can personalise as you think fit
write a letter to your Prime Minister, using a format prepared at European level, which you can personalise as you think fit
send us pictures of the event as soon as possible on the same day to show the great pan-European mobilisation for a federal Europe.

As soon as you are certain to organise an event in your city, please inform JEF Europe Secretariat and UEF Secretariat

Young European Federalists Secretariat
Union of European Federalists Secretariat


Segreteria nazionale

Via Villa Glori 8 - 27100 Pavia
C.F. 80010170183 - Tel.: 0382 530045 - Email: mfe@mfe.it

© Movimento federalista europeo 2024