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Angela MERKEL, Bundeskanzlerin (Deutschland)

François HOLLANDE, Président de la République (France)

Matteo RENZI, Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri (Italia)


Chancellor Merkel, President Hollande, President Renzi,

in welcoming your decision to come to Ventotene, the island where the idea of a politically united and free Europe was conceived during the second world war, we appeals to you, as holders of the highest offices in the German, French and Italian institutions, to do everything within your power to relaunch the European project by promoting the establishment of an effective democratic supranational system of government of our currency, economy and security.

You, like us, are perfectly aware that the European Union is jeopardised by multiple crises that are threatening its existence and the political project of peace and integration that it embodies. After the prolonged economic and financial crisis, most recently the refugee emergency and the problem of domestic security have added to Europe’s challenges.

At the root of the difficulties the EU is having in coping with these crises, lies the fact that its current system of government has proved to be inadequate. Only by building up political unity – i.e. an effective, democratic and accountable system of government at the European level – can Europe become strong enough to guarantee the European citizens’ future, both in terms of internal and external security and with regards to growth, employment and social welfare. And moreover, after the Brexit referendum, an institutional reform formalising a two-tier European Union has become more and more necessary.

This is why, while immediate implementation of policies able to address all the issues that are creating fear and uncertainty among public opinion is urgently needed, in parallel a clear agenda for the institutional reform of the EU must be set up. The experience of these many years of integration shows definitely that, in order to achieve political unity, the European project must be grounded on the creation of a federal core, open to all countries willing to participate; this core cannot but be irreversible and able to bind Member States to mutual responsibility and solidarity.

At the same time the reform must foresee a different level of participation in the EU institutions for any countries that should chose to not participate in the new federal core but still want to be part in the EU single market. These countries must have the possibility to remain integrated into the single market in the framework of the acquis communautaire, but should not be allowed to have the power to hinder the building up of the federal core.

These necessary reforms can be achieved either through the revision of the existing Treaties, or by means of the adoption of a new Treaty or Protocol for the members of this federal core.

It depends on you to ignite this process and, in parallel, to implement those policies aimed at regaining citizens’ trust and consensus. We are confident that you will be up to this historical task.

With the highest respect,

Giorgio Anselmi – Presidente nazionale

Franco Spoltore – Segretario nazionale




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