Il Consiglio regionale dell''Abruzzo, aderendo all'iniziativa del Consiglio regionale del Piemonte, ha perfezionato nel mese scorso l'approvazione della risoluzione per il rilancio della costituente europea, che riprende la Petizione al Parlamento europeo del MFE.
Il premio Nobel per la pace all'Unione europea
L'assegnazione del premio Nobel per la pace all'Unione europea, nel momento in cui è in corso una delle più gravi crisi della sua storia, ha un duplice significato.
Leggi tutto: Comunicato MFE-GFE sul Premio Nobel all'Unione europea
English - Italian - German - Spanish
Il n’existe pas, dans l’actuel contexte de crise, d’autre voie pour les Européens que l’avènement des Etats-Unis d’Europe. Ce ne sera possible qu’avec l’implication du peuple européen et de ses représentants.
Leggi tutto: Déclaration d'engagement pour une Assemblée / Convention constituante européenne
Bruxelles, 16 ottobre 2012: Comunicato Stampa delle organizzazioni federaliste europee in vista del Consiglio Europeo del 18 e 19 ottobre
Italian - French - German - Spanish
(to be signed by the MEPs)
There is no way out of the current crisis for the Europeans unless they prove able to build a United States of Europe. And this will not be possible without the people of Europe and their representatives taking the field.
Some national governments and political leaders, and even the presidents of the Commission, Council, ECB and Eurogroup, are already developing proposals and projects focusing on the urgent need to: create banking, fiscal, economic and political unions within the eurozone, review the Treaties, convene a convention, and hold a referendum allowing the citizens to decide on Europe. But none of the proposals currently on the table offers satisfactory solutions to the real problem – the one that, ultimately, is making it impossible to make real and decisive progress and that cannot be solved by the governments alone: the question of democratic legitimacy.
The European Parliament, hailed by Willy Brandt on the eve of Europe’s first direct elections by universal suffrage in 1979 as a permanent European constitutional assembly, and by Nobel prize winner Andrej Sacharov as the springboard for supranational democracy, today stands at a crossroads. It has two alternatives: it can, through a strong act of political will, initiate the constitutional process leading to federal union, making it clear that this is the solution to the democratic deficit that is paralysing Europe; or, as proposed by those who want to undo the democratic Europe, it can regress to the status of a mere assembly of national MPs from the member states, thereby ceasing to be not only the expression of the vote of the European people but also a model, for the world, of a system of supranational democratic government, able to tackle the global challenges facing Europe.
Mindful, therefore, of the gravity of the moment and of my personal responsibility as a member of the European Parliament, I
taking up the constitutional battle started by Altiero Spinelli during the first term legislature of the elected European Parliament, pledge to support
- the formulation, by the European Parliament, of a draft revision of the European Treaties, whose objective will be the creation of a European federation, starting with the eurozone countries;
- the convening, by the end of 2013, of a constitutional assembly/convention composed of representatives elected by the citizens both at national and at European level, as well as representatives of the governments and the European Commission, which will have a mandate to develop a federal Constitution, based on a draft produced by the European Parliament.
English - French - German - Spanish
Gli Europei non usciranno dalla crisi se non sapranno costruire gli Stati Uniti d’Europa. E non potranno costruire gli Stati Uniti d’Europa se non entreranno in scena il popolo europeo e i suoi rappresentanti.
Leggi tutto: Dichiarazione di impegno per la Costituente europea
Leggi tutto: JEF-UEF Action Week – Organize an action in your city!
Europe is at a crossroads: either it completes the process of its political unification or the present crisis will culminate in the collapse of the whole European edifice.
To avert the disastrous prospect of Europe’s disintegration it is necessary to find a way of bridging the gap that currently separates the European citizens from the European institutions, so as to recover consensus for the European project, and also create the conditions that will allow full trust to be restored between the eurozone countries. To achieve this, the EU must, first of all, show that it is capable of promoting growth and employment; it must also take steps to usher in the knowledge economy. Because Europe has an integrated economy and a single currency it is misleading to look to national solutions. The EU, or the eurozone at least, must undertake to promote a broad and detailed European sustainable development plan that would be funded by European own resources representing at least 1% of the European GDP – resources generated partly through the issuing of euro-project bonds and partly through the introduction of a European tax on financial transactions and a carbon tax.
The struggle to bring about the transfer of new resources to European level, sufficient to make the European governmental system independent of the national governments and capable of boosting development, must be accompanied by the start of a broader programme of European institutional reforms: these reforms are crucial in order to confer a new, supranational, democratic legitimacy on Europe and create the conditions necessary for strengthening, with the support of the citizens, solidarity but also mutual obligations.
Therefore, the European Federalist Movement (MFE) calls upon the Congress of the European Socialist Party to:
- support a European sustainable development plan, promoting a popular movement from below, through a European Citizens Initiative (on the basis of art. 11 of the Lisbon Treaty)
- support the objective of creating a European federation, starting with the eurozone countries;
- establish the time frame of and stages in this process, which must culminate in the convening, by the end of 2013, of a constituent assembly/convention, responsible for drawing up the Constitution of the new federation. This Constitution must be ratified through a referendum, to be held simultaneously with the 2014 European elections in the countries that participated in its drafting. It will enter into force following its approval by a majority of the states that participated in its drafting, representing the majority of the citizens;
- propose a candidate for the European Commission Presidency, to give the citizens the power to elect not only the Members of the European Parliament but also the European Commission’s President in the 2014 European elections.
Federazione europea subito
Per un piano europeo di sviluppo sostenibile
L'Europa è ad un bivio: o porta a compimento il processo di unificazione politica o la crisi travolgerà l'intera costruzione comunitaria.
Leggi tutto: Volantino MFE al Congresso PSE - 28-29 Settembre 2012 - Bruxelles